CJ currently operates as the Head of Strength and Conditioning at an exclusive private training facility in the Charlotte area called Functional Training Studio (FTS). FTS specializes in both athletes and general population clients of all ages. FTS’s philosophy surrounding training primarily employs the principles of concurrent training, progressive overload, and biomechanics using an N of 1 individualized approach. The team at FTS will take the client’s current goals, strengths, and weaknesses, and design a plan that exclusively meets their needs. Additionally, FTS has a Doctor of Physical Therapy that provides initial in-person assessments to offer insight into clients’ current abilities and deficiencies so the team at FTS can provide the most optimal product for everyone.


CJ also provides online training on a case-by-case basis. The pricing will depend on the individual client’s needs and amount of coaching interaction agreed upon. If interested in online training, please reach out to CJ directly for a free consultation.


CJ is trained in both manual and non-manual techniques that can aid in restoring favorable joint alignment and muscle and nervous system function for enhanced performance and recovery. CJ primarily offers sports massage therapy, which may include cupping, scraping (Gua Sha), and even red/near-infrared light therapy in addition to traditional manual work on a case-by-case basis. Based on the client’s current needs and structural and functional assessments, CJ will create a targeted treatment plan that not only focuses on treatment, but also educating the client about how to ultimately avoid dysfunction long-term. CJ will also provide a list of detailed exercises for the client to use following treatment that will help the client maintain relief.

  • 1-Hour Session: $80 ($70 for Functional Training Studio clients)

  • 30-Minute Session: $50 ($45 for Functional Training Studio clients)

The goal of manual therapy is to provide a controlled sensory input that provides a heightened sense of awareness of a particular movement or position within the client. This heightened sense of awareness benefits the client by providing more internal feedback, which in turn can increase movement options. Movement options, simply put, are all the strategies you can use to complete a particular movement task. Exhibiting decreased movement options forces an overreliance on specific tissues, which can cause discomfort and dysfunction. CJ offers a combination of different manual techniques and sensory inputs combined with proper breathing and controlled movement to increase movement options for the client.